Symptoms To Watch Out For
In adults
- Confused thinking
- Inability to think clearly
- Performance difficulties
- Long-lasting sadness or irritability
- Extreme highs and lows in mood
- Excessive fear, worry, or anxiety
- Social withdrawal
- Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits
- Strong, uncontrollable feelings of anger
- Delusions or hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are not really there)
- Increasing inability to cope with daily problems and activities
- Thoughts of suicide, hopelessness, worthlessness
- Denial of obvious problems
- Many unexplained physical problems
- Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
- Sleep disturbance
- Excessive and unwanted thoughts
- Unreasonable fears
- Unexplained behavior change
- Sudden change in personality
- Excessive suspicion
- Chronic headache
- Multiple unexplainable aches and pain
- Unreasonable fatigue
- Fainting spells
- Memory disturbances
- Sexual dysfunction
- Dullness, lack of motivation
- In younger children
- Changes in school performance
- Poor grades despite strong efforts
- Excessive worry or anxiety
- Hyperactivity
- Persistent nightmares
- Bed wetting
- Slow development
- Persistent disobedience and/or aggressive behavior
- Frequent temper tantrum
In older children and pre-teens
- Abuse of drugs and/or alcohol
- Inability to cope with daily problems and activities
- Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
- Excessive complaints of physical problems
- Defying authority, skipping school, stealing, or damaging property
- Intense fear of gaining weight
- Long-lasting negative mood, often along with poor appetite and thoughts of death
- Frequent outbursts of anger
In Old Age:
- Persistent nightmares
- Memory disturbances
- Cognitive disturbances
- Sudden change in personality and behavior
- Unexplained irritability and anger